FBCO Busy With Missions in Summer

For the first time at FBCO, the church had multiple missions projects going simultaneously around the globe in the summer of 2022. In sending out missions teams, plus three college students on eight-week projects, someone from FBCO was serving nationally or internationally in Mexico, Ohio, Puerto Rico, Colorado, and Israel throughout the summer. Others served in local and regional projects in Butler, IL; East St. Louis, IL: Hannibal, and O’Fallon.

In total, more than 250 participants engaged in a mission trip or missions project between Memorial Day and Labor Day. Participants ranged in age from 7 years old to 80+. The 7-year-old helped recycle Christian literature, and our two oldest adults served in a week-long trip in southern Mexico with IMB missionaries Clay and Tammy Richardson.

Projects were completed in four states, one US territory (Puerto Rico), and three countries on two continents. We had first-time and returning missionaries helping with homeless and pregnancy ministries, hosting soccer camps, doing house visitations, running VBS and summer camps, completing community service projects, engaging in church planting, fulfilling disaster relief, or prepping Christian literature for use in Third World ministries.

Three college students Anna Atherton, Brooklyn Graham, and Jessalyn Scheltens were on-site in various missions activities in Cincinnati, Denver, and Puerto Rico for eight weeks each. Read their stories here.