Rebekah (Bekah) Murray - October 29, 2024
Social Media: A Help or Hinderance?
From Series: "Podcast"
Navigating Life & Leadership Podcast
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CloseVisitor Centers can be a great source of information, direction, and/or a quick respite on a long trip. They often have fascinating exhibits with obscurely known facts about your current location. You can plan to stop for a moment and before you know it, you are completely lost or significantly delayed. Social media is much the same way in your journey of life. It can be an amazing resource; offering you shortcuts to your desired location or taking you to places you never thought possible. It can also cause you to miss out on the beauty of the ride, delay your arrival or completely miss your desired destination. Be wary and wise!
From Series: Podcast | More Messages from Rebekah (Bekah) Murray
Navigating Life & Leadership Podcast
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