Missouri’s Battle for the Unborn

On the ballot this November in Missouri is an amendment that would create a constitutional right to abortion. For this reason, the 2024 Together for Life is focused on gathering together to learn about this battle for the unborn.  Join us on October 6 at 6:00pm to become equipped to take a stand for life as we pray that churches across our state would rise up against the modern holocaust plaguing our nation.

We will be joined by special guest, Susan Klein, who will address the multiple threats to life and liberty posed by Amendment 3 and equip you to engage this issue from a biblical worldview perspective.

Featured Speaker


Susan Klein is the Executive Director of Missouri Right to Life and Chief Lobbyist. She has been at the forefront of the pro-life movement in Missouri nationally, and has played an integral role in all the life-protecting legislation that has passed in Missouri since 1997.

For more information to Missouri Right to Life click here.

To download the event flier click here.

This event is organized by the Council on Christian Life & Liberty. See the Council’s webpage for more resources.