Senior Adult Ministry

Reaching the senior years often means stepping away from the pressures and stress of hectic schedules, but God did not design us to stop going or personally growing. Adults should continue to serve and learn throughout their lifetimes. Senior adults provide experience and wisdom to the family of First Baptist Church. Our senior adults have discovered the blessing of investing their energy and availability in serving God and caring for one another.

We invite you to join us as we journey with Jesus. We have a place for you!

Sunday Life Groups – 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00 am

Join us every Sunday as we learn about Jesus, others, and ourselves.

Weekday Opportunities 

Senior Men’s Bible Study meets Tuesdays at 10:00 am in room D204.
Ladies Serving Together meets on the first and third Tuesday of every month at 10:00 am in room D200.

Fellowship & Special Events

Luncheons: These are held the first Saturday of every month, with the exceptions of July and December. Our luncheons include a variety of themes and activities featuring great food and fellowship! 

Day Trips & Multi-Day Trips: Trips and activities are planned throughout the year. A brochure including a calendar of events is available at the Connection Center or see the upcoming senior events below.

For additional information please contact Lee Sanders.

We haven’t done everything, but we’re working on it …